Thursday, September 11, 2014

Free The Jazz documentary ( Czabán György 2014)

It's hard to describe what the word JAZZ means. Yet, when someone listens to jazz music almost instantly recognizes what it is, even if he never heard anything from that band before, or never encountered that type of jazz before. What makes jazz being jazz, who makes jazz being jazz. Who are these people who communicates with this extraordinary language? Can we even call jazz a language, or a form of expression; or is it more than that?

Our film does not intend to answer all these questions, it only wants to show you the vast number of things that jazz is involved with, and we tried to get you closer to the fertile process that keeps only jazz alive from the various styles established in the twentieth century.

The world-class musical life of Budapest gave us the opportunity to get in conversation with the key members of the contemporary jazz scene. Some names of the interviewees without being exhaustive: Courtney Pine, Mats Gustaffsson, Matthew Shipp, Peter Brötzmann, Paal Nilssen-Love, Soil & Pimp Sessions, Ken Vandermark, Joe McPhee, Conrad Bauer, Trevor Watts.

Title: Free The Jazz
English title: Free The Jazz
Year: 2014
Director: Czabán György
Interviews, consultant: Végső Zoltán
Length: 72 perc
Producer: KVB
Founder: Nemzeti Média- és Hírközlési Hatóság

We have to deliver a huge thanks to the crew of A38 Ship for their immense help in making this documentary.

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